This form is to purchase a copy of Midwest Review, issue 9 (this is not a submission category).

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We hope you enjoy the magazine. Thank you for your interest and support!

Volume 9 features new work by:
Hala Alyan, Kimberly Blaeser, Paul Bone, Emily Bowles, Susan Cadkin, Fred Cardin, Kim Chinquee, Angelica Contreras, Kevin Coval, Darren C. Demaree, Stephanie Dickinson, Eran Eads, Margaret Galey, Jeremy George, Douglas Gorman, Avery Gregurich Justin Hunt, Jacob Izenberg, Emily Kingery, Pete Kos, Michael Jeffrey Lee, Howard Leu, Katlo Siyanda Mohutsiwa, Ander Monson, Gino X. Montoya, Ruby Hansen Murray, Yvonne Osborne, Lucas Peters, Kell Pieper, Wang Ping, Ann Potter, Marcella L. A. Prince, Ben Prostine, Ladette Randolph, Greg Rappleye, Richard Robbins, Brad Rose, Shawn Shiflett, Kathleen Sletten, Abraham Smith, Claude Clayton Smith, Dustin Sonneborn, Emily Anne Standlee, Joseph Stern, Christine Stewart-Nuñez, MK Sturdevant, Dawn Terpstra, Alison Thumel, Jeff Tigchelaar, Robert Vivian, Abby Wheeler, Douglas Yu

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