This is form to purchase a copy of Midwest Review issue 6 (this is not a submission category). 

You will receive an automatic email from Submittable thanking you for your submission (even though this is an order to purchase a copy). That email is your confirmation that we received your order. 

We hope you enjoy the magazine. Thank you for your interest and support! 

Volume 6 features new work by:

Sam Savage

Kristin Tenor

Michael Martone

Nicholas Gulig

Sean Lovelace

Jayson Iwen

George Kalamaras

Fermin Calderon-Dujarric

Elke Sommers

Alexis Petri

Colin Matthes

Daniel Stout

Felicitus Ferington

Gail Moreland

Roger Camp

Ross Wilcox

Susan Sinclair Edele

John Robinson

Kailee Pedersen

Mary Mullen

Mondest Richards

Robert Westphal

Carol Schaechterle

Christopher Warner

Danny Burdett

Gary Bouchard

Hannah Craig

Ingrid Andersson

Jeffrey Erlacher

jessie knoles

Joseph Zenoni

Myron Ernst

Natalie Solmer

rikki santer

Sarah Fay

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.